Nov 9, 2008

My Ecological footprint

Wikipedia defines one's ecological footprint as-
The ecological footprint is a measure of human demand on the Earth's ecosystems. It compares human demand with planet Earth's ecological capacity to regenerate it.

To put it in simpler terms... It tells you ki tu dharti pe kitna bada bojh hai.
That's because it gives you the ecological footprints in terms of earths. So if you have, say a footprint of 2.71 earths, we'd require 2.71 times the resources on the planet if everybody started leading a lifestyle same as yours. Which means you need to change certain aspects of your living. So go for the test and post your scores here. Mine was a meagre 0.41 earths :))

The link to the test is :


  1. hey took the test.. very long process tho..
    hehe my score is 0.27 earth...

  2. mine is 0.51..
    carbon footprint ws high.. no rennewable source of energy in BARC :|.. n nothin eco-friendly is installd..

    rest wer all avg.. :)
